Housing law
Housing law — in the broadest sense of the term — as it includes various areas of law in relation to real property and construction — is one of Alphalex Avocats SA’s main areas of expertise.
In that context, our lawyers, first and foremost, counsel tenants and lessors (owners or real estate managers), in their disputes involving leasing, housing and commercial law. For example, our services include ad hoc assistance in the drafting of lease agreements, assessment of the financial consequences of constructions, as well as legal representation in lawsuits before specialized authorities, such as the Conciliation Commission or the Leases Tribunal.
Alphalex Avocats SA invests itself extensively in neighbourhood disputes and conflicts related to property under co-ownership and property rights. Under Mr. Matthieu Genillod’s leadership, our lawyers have developed solid experience in this regard, and regularly assist private or professional clients in this singular type of dispute.
Strongly grounded in this specialization, they intervene at the level of the co-ownership, as well as before the judicial authorities — for example, when decisions of co-owners’ meetings are in dispute; in the event of a dispute with the manager; and in any neighbourhood disputes regarding excessive nuisances and infringements (e.g. noise, odours, blocking of sunlight) or in proceedings related to rural property law (illegal plantings, logging and pruning of trees).
Moreover, our lawyers are engaged in the practise of housing and land development law almost daily. They represent the individuals, owners and businesses involved in the construction, as well as municipalities. . Their participation from the outset facilitates the proper carrying out of significant construction work, and the management of disputes on worksites related to construction work (notices of defects, delays, disputes regarding final invoices). ). In addition to issues related to land development and construction policy, Alphalex Avocats SA’s lawyers are fully knowledgeable regarding the SIA standards. Finally, they intervene with responsiveness and rigour in matters involving legal mortgages of craftsmen and contractors.
Av. du Tribunal-Fédéral 1
1005 Lausanne
Postal Code
1002 Lausanne
T +41 21 512 44 44
T +41 21 512 44 44
F +41 21 512 44 45
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