Labour law
Alphalex Avocats SA’s team is at your service to guide you in matters of labour law and respond to any questions you may have.
For further information:
Labour law is one of Alphalex Avocats SA’s strong proclivities. Our lawyers assist individuals and businesses in any disputes involving labour law, benefitting particularly from the extensive experience Mr. Matthieu Genillod acquired working in the legal department of a large French-speaking Swiss press group, and then, as of 2007, serving as vice-presiding judge of the Labour Court of Lausanne and vice-presiding judge of the Labour Court of the Vaud cantonal administration, TRIPAC.
Our lawyers’ skills and expertise in labour law are both deep and broad. They serve as legal counsel for workers, as well as for businesses in collaboration with the human resources departments or general managers, in order to establish strategies that both reflect the exigencies of the labour market and comply with the law, which becomes more and more complex (drafting of contracts, termination of employment agreements, corporate settlements, negotiation of labour plans, employment certificates, etc.).
Strongly grounded in expertise in these matters, our lawyers regularly argue before the judicial authorities specialized in labour law, such as the Labour Court. Their widely-recognized experience also enables their clients to understand, with equanimity and trust, proceedings that are sometimes complex (mobbing, immediate or abusive layoffs, etc.) and have weighty financial consequences.
Av. du Tribunal-Fédéral 1
1005 Lausanne
Postal Code
1002 Lausanne
T +41 21 512 44 44
T +41 21 512 44 44
F +41 21 512 44 45
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