Family law
Our lawyers are at your service for an assessment of your family and patrimonial situation.
For further information:
Family law is an area in which Alphalex Avocats SA is deeply invested. In the practice of family law, we extend ourselves to respond expeditiously and attentively to our clients’ needs for legal counsel and representation with respect to family matters. Well aware of the stakes and tensions related to any family dispute and its financial and personal repercussions, we support our clients with legal expertise, commitment, sensitivity and availability.
Almost daily, our lawyers provide counsel in family law as well as in legal disputes resulting from separation (measures for protection in marital relationships), or divorce proceedings (whether amicable or contested), and from the establishment of parental rights and the obligation of support for children of unmarried parents.
Under Mr. Matthieu Genillod’s leadership, Alphalex Avocats SA’s team of lawyers employs its extensive expertise in complex separation or divorce proceedings, with respect to the establishment of parental rights (parental authority, custody and visitation rights, or even proceedings with a Youth Protection service), significant financial stakes (alimony, child support, lifestyle calculation, liquidation of matrimonial regime and division of the second pillar pension according to the Swiss Occupational Pension Act), or domestic/family violence.
Av. du Tribunal-Fédéral 1
1005 Lausanne
Postal Code
1002 Lausanne
T +41 21 512 44 44
T +41 21 512 44 44
F +41 21 512 44 45
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